Gracias. Thanks.

Por aquella caja de bombones que no pudiste darme en el hospital.
Por la carta preciosa que me enviaste y que unió nuestras vidas. ( hace ya 18 años…)
Por el brillo de tus ojos cuando me miras.
Por no crecer.
Por tus ganas de vivir.
Por ser mi amiga, compañera de travesuras.
Por compartir el silencio conmigo, sin necesitar nada más.
Por disfrutar tanto de los pequeños detalles.
Por no guardarme nunca un secreto.
Por sorprenderme siempre, aun después de tanto tiempo.
Por reírte tanto de ti misma.
Por rescatarme siempre cuando me hundo.
Por sufrir tanto por mi.
Por quererme tanto.
Y sobre todo…
Por no morirte hace 8 años cuando todos pensabamos que te perdíamos.
Por todo…
Ya son 40, Mari,y nadie lo diría por tu cara, pero, sobretodo, por tus ojos preciosos de niña y tu corazón sencillo, lleno de bondad.


By that box of chocolates that you could not give me in the hospital.
By the precious letter that you sent to me and that united our lives (for already 18 years…)
By the brightness of your eyes when you watch to me.
By not to grow.
By your desire to live.
By to be my friend, companion of pranks.
By to share silence with me, without needing nothing else.
By to enjoy the small details as much.
By to never keep a secret to me.
By to even surprise to me always, after as much time.
By to laugh as much of yourself.
By to always rescue to me when I sink.
By to suffer as much by my.
By to love to me as much.
And mainly…
By not to death 8 years ago when all th0ugtht that we lost to you.
By everything…
Already you are 40, Mari, and nobody would say it by your face, but, coverall, by your precious eyes of little girl and your simple, full heart of kindness.

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